Setting your local store ensures accurate pricing, delivery estimates, and store hours. Sterling, VA 10am - 7pm 10am - 7pm
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La-Z-Boy Home Furnishings & Décor
21320 Signal Hill Plaza
Sterling, VA, 20164
(571) 434-7687
(571) 434-7687

Open Today 10am - 7pm

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Titan Table Lamp

$0.00 $0.00 Save $0.00
 Titan Table Lamp
 Titan Table Lamp
 Titan Table Lamp

Titan Table Lamp

$0.00 $0.00 Save $0.00
L01-A62 onHold: purchasable:
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La-Z-Boy Home Furnishings & Décor

21320 Signal Hill Plaza
Sterling , VA , 20164
(571) 434-7687

At a Glance
  • 29.5"h
  • Striking tower form composed of elegant hand-painted Florentine brass
  • Six pieces of folded brass form a stately, eye-catching structure with a round base
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